
An open collective of makers, artists, engineers, designers, writers, poets, and everything in between, started at University of Waterloo, now worldwide.


In Waterloo, Socratica is a community of people passionate about working on their interests and curiosities outside of life’s commitments (work/school).

In favour of making new friends and being unafraid to be a beginner, we host co-working sessions every week for people to work on/explore their ideas together. We love community, and believe our best work isn't done in isolation. So creating a space for like minded people to cis at the core of what we do.

Building Community

I got to play a hand in building this community a year into it; hosting weekly co-working sessions, planning huge science/art fairs, marketing, design, running spinoffs, workshops, designathons and bringing other people into the fun of creative community.

The current format comes in weekly co-working sessions, which look pretty much like this;

  • Intro circles: Get to really know the people in the room
  • Timed work sessions: Heads-down, deep work sessions
  • Demos: Share what you worked on with everyone in 5 minutes

Symposium: A stage for projects

Working alongside other people making time to create things they enjoy, you learn all the amazing things people are doing. Symposium is one of the ways we show off what people have been working on!

Things I Did

Besides hosting sessions, I experimented with different types of design, media and crafts for our social media and 500- person events!

It would be too much to expect you to read through each individual; project, so in no particular order; here are the top 8 things I enjoyed

  • Working with Velocity to open a dedicated on-campus space for students to work on their big ideas, host low-budget events
  • Leading a mural design project for the space^
  • making 3D letters for a photo booth stan
  • Running a daily summer co-working cafe for students and new grads working on their own ideas
  • Hosting a pop-up co-working session in Accra for technologists and creatives
  • Being apart of sparking a new breath of self-starting culture and community at Waterloo (aka the constant reminder that you don’t need anyone's permission to start)

and more to come!

In a school, and world at large, increasingly overcome by watching life us them by, we're creating a community of people acting on their ideas. Ideas anywhere from art projects, independent research, music, hardware and software projects, blogs and so much more.

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