
July 2023

A summary of my time interning at an early startup, focusing on product and design.

Spent this summer working for Cios; an early stage startup making it easy for tenants and building managers to end leases early.

I was joined the teamtheir first product & design hire, alongside 2 other software engineers and 1 sales person.

The Inspiration

Professionals moving between cities frequently, students moving in and out off-campus housing in their university towns, – the process of ending a lease agreement early can be incredibly difficult.

In some locations it's nearly impossible. Depending on a city’s tenant rights, ending a lease early can be lengthy paperwork at best and several months in forced rent at it's worst. So the shared pain of this experience inspired our work.

Wireframes and Design work

Title aside, when I joined the team, I took on whatever design and product tasks were on the table. Everything in the scope of wireframes, prototypes, transcribing my designs for engineers, requirements, those sort of things.

onboarding wireframes

Unfortunately I cannot show more screens I created here, as my work is under non-disclosure.

At the Collision conference

Also in this internship, I had the chance to attend the Collision conference on behalf of the team! I talked with 100+ investors and attendees about the product we were building.

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